Sunday, November 9, 2014

Mone Holo

Rabindra Aradhana

Rabindra Aradhana is a
modest personal project that I have under taken. It is my humble attempt to
fulfill the purpose of my life through explorations of Gurudev's life and works.
A musician and poet that I am at heart, I never cease to get moved by Gurudev’s
poetry and music .Through this blog I will express my feelings as I  live through, contemplate and meditate on his
poetry, music and literature.

God has been very kind
to me .Though he took me through a lot of demanding situations in life, he
brought me in contact with great people and great books that helped me face and
cope up with those situations.  They gave me a vision of what life is and its
purpose. But finding the means to a purpose is not always simple. One cannot
follow the paths followed by others blindly. It is a personal journey .At times
a little confusing, challenging and mostly solitary.  When you love to clear your way through the
nebulas of life, love challenges and love being alone, the journey can be
enjoyable too.

To me Tagore is not just
a great poet, but a mystic who had divine visions indicated as milestones to
enlightenment  in spiritual journey by
Vedas and Upanishads. How else can one explain the amazing details of his
visions and poetic expressions? May the world worship him as one of the
greatest poets that it has seen, but to me he was a sage who was firmly
established in traditions and yet far beyond their narrow dogmas and restrictions.
A saint poet ! A highly advanced seeker who was face to face with the almighty .

Through romantic love, devotion,
surrender and Puja he constantly yearned to meet his beloved and surely he did
meet him .One can see that in his poems such as
Bahe nirantar ananta anandadhara” or
Arun bin ruper arale.
Perhaps that’s where from,
such un-ending brilliance and magnificence dawns.

So this is all about
holding a finger of Robi Dadu and walking with him, trying! I am sure he will
help me when I fall. An ocean of compassion that he is!

To begin with, I share
this beautiful song by Gurudev, “Mone Holo”.

Rendered beautifully by Imtiaz
Ahmed. Imtiazda is a honey filled, deep voice. Sonorous,  soothing and honest in his representation of
the world of Tagore’s feelings and melodies.

The song is translated
by Mrs Anandamayee Majumdar. An Indian exposed to good poetry can often figure
out the literal meanings of words used in Bengali poems. However, capturing the
poetic essence, the cultural hues and subtle nuances of feelings expressed by a
poet becomes very difficult. It is her
that helped me reach Gurudev closer. I can’t thank her enough! I assume her
help in all my future endeavors of Rabindra Aradhana.

This is also my maiden
attempt at making a small movie with translations. I thank Richa Rajadhyax for
giving me tips and Siddesh Wagle for tutoring me whole night with tools to
arrive at this initiatory you tube clip.

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